A KIA sponsorship associates your business with one of the region’s premier cultural institutions, and enhances your company’s image and visibility. Your sponsorship yields additional benefits, including invitations to receptions and events that can be shared with clients, discounted use of the KIA, and exhibition tours.
When you support the KIA in this way, we provide prominent acknowledgment in all news releases, publications, electronic media, printed materials and signage, putting your name before our exclusive audience and online communities. Added: These businesses and corporations support the KIA’s efforts to present high-quality cultural programming that enhances our community. Patronize their businesses, tell them you appreciate their KIA support.
We are grateful to the current sponsors who have supported our exhibition and program schedule throughout the year.
Sponsorships are available for exhibitions, monthly programs, and major events like the annual Arts Fair or Holiday Art Sale. Sponsorship levels start at $1,500, and are designed with you to meet your goals. Some exhibitions and programs have multiple sponsorship levels with different benefits. Presenting sponsorships typically start at $5,000, depending on the depth and breadth of the exhibition and or event.
For assistance, please contact our Donor & Corporate Relations Manager, Josiah Solis, at josiahs@kiarts.org.