Colors! Shapes! Patterns!

March 12, 2022 - June 12, 2022

The Upjohn Mason Grandchildren’s Gallery is awash in vivid colors, fun shapes, and interesting patterns – some of the fundamental building blocks of art. Let’s explore how artists have used these elements in different and unique ways. Do any of these shapes surprise you? Can simple colors make a realistic picture? Can a pattern evoke a feeling? Consider these elements and then see if you can identify them in our other galleries or even outside of the KIA!

Max Bill, Four Equal Colors, 1975, lithograph. Collection of the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts; On permanent loan from Mr. Saul Steinberg. Jennifer Bartlett, Houses, 2005, silkscreen. Collection of the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts; Permanent Collection Fund Purchase.  Richard Anuszkiewicz, Spectral Cadmium, 1968, screenprint. Collection of the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts; Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Gilmore.