With 25 unique pairings selected from Legendary Voices: Art for the Next Century, we are thrilled to officially launch our Adopt a Work of Art program. This exclusive opportunity allows you to adopt a grouping of two to three iconic works from the KIA’s remarkable collection, playing a direct role in preserving and supporting these important pieces for future generations.

As a sponsor, your name will be proudly displayed on the label of the adopted artworks, and you will be recognized at our Centennial: REMIX on April 11, 2025. Additionally, you will receive two complimentary tickets to this exclusive celebration, where we will honor both the legacy and the exciting future of the KIA.

Become a Legendary Voice by adopting your favorite works from the catalog for $1,000 per pairing. Your generous contributions help care for our permanent collection.

For more information, please contact Kathryn Armstrong, Director of Advancement at .

Thank you to our generous sponsors:

  • Betty Upjohn Mason
    Robert Seldon Duncanson’s Heart of the Andes and Jerry Kearns’ Right of Way, 1875-1922
  • Doreen and Edward Thomas
    Nora Drapce’s South Haven Summer Day and Glenn O. Coleman’s Brooklyn Bridge;
    Nina Belle Ward’s Miss Molly Little and Kathryn Hodgman’s Lady with a Quilt
  • Dr. James and Carol Carter
    Tim Lowly’s Beacon (Bless the Bastard) and Steven MacGowan’s Choice, No Choice;
    Manierre Dawson’s Mother and Child and Henry Ossawa Tanner’s The Visitation
  • Martha and Scott Larsen
    Leslie Barlow’s Atquezali, at Indigenous Roots and Mary Abbott’s Portrait of Elaine de Kooning
  • Ina Whitney
    Michael Mazur’s Winter View From My Studio and Emily Brock’s Studio Life
  • Dori Kunkle
    Mathias Alten’s Summer Landscape, Louis Ritman’s The Farm, and Tunis Ponsen’s (Portrait of a Farmer)
  • David and Susan Thoms
    William Edouard Scott’s Four Bathers and Romare Bearden’s L’Etang Bleu
  • Oliver S. Howell
    Sandra Fisher’s Bob Wisdom and Ruth Gibson Reading Shakespeare and Max Weber’s A Musical Evening
  • Jim & Petey Stephanak and Perry Wolfe and Angie Forward
    Alfred Juergens’ Twilight and Unknown Artist’s (Landscape with River View)
  • Dr. Cheryl Dickson & Sonya Hollins
    James Palmore’s Abbey Lincoln and Noel W. Anderson’s Mother Nina in Transition
  • Darren and Bridget Timmeney & James Liggins and Jyllian Cunningham
    Samuel Levi Jones’ Kristiana and Kirk Newman’s Nancy
  • Danielle Mason Anderson and Lori Knapp
    Charles Searles’ Dancers and Serge Attukwei Clottey’s Skin Marks

This list will be updated daily as new sponsors are added.